
Every Sunday at the 11.00am Mass we have a children's' Liturgy of the Word. This is designed for children of primary school age so that they can hear the scripture reading for Mass in language which is accessible to them.
The children leave the church with their catechists after the opening prayer and return in time to help with the presentation of gifts at the offertory. The children listen to a simplified version of the Sunday Gospel and with the catechists talk about what they have heard.
They have some special prayers of intercession and they also take part in an activity associated with the gospel reading of the day. If you would like more information about children's' liturgy. Perhaps you might want to join our team of catechists?
Activities and Resources for Advent and Christmas Click Here
Here some resources below that you can watch at home from The Mark 10 Mission have fun.
The children leave the church with their catechists after the opening prayer and return in time to help with the presentation of gifts at the offertory. The children listen to a simplified version of the Sunday Gospel and with the catechists talk about what they have heard.
They have some special prayers of intercession and they also take part in an activity associated with the gospel reading of the day. If you would like more information about children's' liturgy. Perhaps you might want to join our team of catechists?
Activities and Resources for Advent and Christmas Click Here
Here some resources below that you can watch at home from The Mark 10 Mission have fun.